The following arrests and citations, occurring between Oct. 23, 2014 and Oct. 28, 2014, were reported by Bainbridge Public Safety and the Decatur County Jail:
- Thomas Harrell Brown, 27, 433, Pine St., Bainbridge, driving while license suspended/revoked; J. Walker, BPS;
- Anthony James Cooper, 34, 120 E. Judith Drive, Bainbridge, loitering, obstruction of an officer (misdemeanor), probation violation; K. Williams, BPS;
- Michael Joseph Herring, 17, 1201 Majestic Ave., Bainbridge, theft by shoplifting, simple battery, possession of drug-related object; T. Miller, BPS;
- Marcus Derron Oliver, 27, 2280 Lake Douglas Road, Bainbridge, windshields and windshield wipers required, driving while license suspended/revoked; T. Avery, BPS;
- Trent Latvies Richardson, 36, 1105 Lake Drive, Bainbridge, driving without a license, probation violation; T. Mixon, BPS;
- Matthias Eugene Jackson, 23, 10288 Salem Road, Pavo, Ga., DUI, open container, obstruction of justice, loitering; C. Prindle, BPS;
- Darrien Sanders, 54, 1321 3rd Street, Bainbridge, disorderly conduct, public drunk; T. Avery, BPS;
- Harold Unyula Smith, 43, 311 Godwin St., Bainbridge, probation violation-original charges of driving with a suspended license, brake lights required; M. Esquivel, BPS;
- Jonathal Lavar Siler, DUI, driving while license suspended/revoked, SO;
- Sam Scott III, 537 Deese Road, probation violation-original charge theft by taking, SO;
- William Ray Givens, 560 Cedar Grove Road, probation violation, simple battery; B. Boyett, BPS;
Format: Name of person charged, age, address, city, charges; Arresting Officer, Arresting Agency
SO = Decatur County Sheriff’s Office
BPS = Bainbridge Public Safety
GSP = Georgia State Patrol
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