The following arrests and citations, occurring between Oct. 30, 2014 and Oct. 31, 2014, were reported by Bainbridge Public Safety and the Decatur County Jail:
- Eboni Simone Thomas, 25, 970 County Line Road, Camilla, Ga., theft by shoplifting, Camilla, Ga., theft by shoplifting (1st), obstruction of an officer (misdemeanor); C. Strickland III, BPS;
- Clifton Anthony Thompson, 48, 3032 Vada Road, Bainbridge, DUI, speeding in a school zone, open container; T. Anderson, GSP;
- Tyree Dantrel Harrell, 29, 136 Dow Jones Road, Bainbridge, obstruction of an officer; T. Pait, BPS;
- Trent Hyatt, 214 Mt. Olive Church Road, Bainbridge, deposit accuont fraud (misdemeanor)(two counts), SO;
- Anthony Cannon, 146 Cannon Quarter Road, Quincy, Fla., probation violation-original charge forgery in the first degree, SO.
Bainbridge and Decatur County Arrest Reports, 10/29 to 10/30
Bainbridge and Decatur County Arrest Reports, 10/28 to 10/29
Bainbridge and Decatur County Arrest Reports, 10/23 to 10/28
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