New traffic pattern planned for construction at Bainbridge bypass
TIFTON – The contractor reconfiguring the US 84 Business/East Shotwell Street intersection at US 84/Bainbridge bypass plans to shift traffic for continued construction.
The shift is tentatively planned June 13 and will change the way drivers coming off the bypass connect to US 84 BU west or US 84 east. Those vehicles will turn in front of the gas terminal. The one way road for drivers to go west on the bypass will become a two way road to accommodate the shift.
This is expected to shorten construction time for the $4 million Georgia Department of Transportation project. The project includes installation of a traffic signal to prevent conflicting traffic from running simultaneously, which may reduce the number of crashes.
Contractor Oxford Construction Co. has already built the subgrade for the new road alignment. Subgrade is the top 12 inches of compacted soil that is the base of a new road. The scheduled completion date is June 30, 2020.
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