Callie Hendrix Wins “Best Overall” in 2017 Southwest Georgia Farm Credit
Photo Contest

BAINBRIDGE, Ga. – Best Overall photo contest winner Callie Hendrix caught quite the lucky shot when photographing “Toad in a Hole.” She told us: “I just happened to be walking to my car one afternoon and saw the toad sitting there, so I went back inside to grab my camera and what a shot it was!”
Hendrix, of Camilla, Georgia, earned “Best Overall” and $150 for her entry in the 2017 Southwest Georgia Farm Credit photo contest.
“It’s a great opportunity to see all the terrific photos of life in our small towns and communities,” said Jordan Gilbert, Marketing Coordinator at Southwest Georgia Farm Credit. “Each photo tells a story. Some photos capture the things the photographer loves about rural living and nature—and other photos bring back memories of their childhood.”
Debra Smith of Cairo, Georgia, won first place in the Kids & Nature category, with a photo she titled, “Yellow Butterfly on a Yellow Flower.”
First place in the Life on the Farm category went to Irma Rodrigues of Marion County with her photo “The Barn.”
Kellie Morris of Leesburg, Georgia, took first place in the At Home in the Country category with “Stop & Smell a Country Rose.” In the Rural Landscapes category, Kelly Thompson of Thomas County took first place with “Stormy Afternoon.”
Visit Southwest Georgia Farm Credit on our social media sites to view all of the winning photos.
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