The following arrests and citations, occurring between April 13 and April 16, were reported by Bainbridge Public Safety and the Decatur County Jail:
- Victoria Nona Dewick, 21, 111 Bennett Rentz Road, Bainbridge, permitting unlicensed driver to drive, obstruction of law enforcement officer; J. Kirkus, GSP;
- Jerry Allen Faircloth, 25, 155 7th St., Bainbridge, seatbelt violation, driving too fast for conditions, reckless driving, failure to maintain lane, driving while license suspended, obstruction of law enforcement officer, failure to report accident, leaving the scene of an accident; J. Kirkus, GSP;
- Cheryl Lynn Dewick, 42, 111 Bennett Rentz Road, Bainbridge, obstruction of a law enforcement officer; J. Kirkus, GSP;
- Jarvis Lee McCray, 27, 851 MLK Jr. Drive Apartment 4C, Bainbridge, obstruction of a law enforcement officer, C. Avery, BPS;
- John Mitchell, 29, 409 Progress St., Bainbridge, simple battery (misdemeanor), false imprisonment (felony), cruelty to children (misdemeanor); J. Barlow, BPS;
- Johnny B. Cheatem, 52, 152 Piney Wood Drive, Bainbridge, DUI, SO;
- Charles Edward Gadson, 57, 1118 Quail Rise Road, Bainbridge, battery; V. Edmond, SO.
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