The following arrests and citations, occurring between March 1 and March 2, were reported by Bainbridge Public Safety and the Decatur County Jail:
- Eugenya Katrice Kintchen, 33, 909 Albany Road, Bainbridge, driving without a license on person (misdemeanor), failure to obey stop sign, failure to appear (traffic); R. Deen, BPS;
- Vicky Lynn Ezell, 54, 307 Charles St., Bainbridge, DUI, accident-striking fixed object (misdemeanor), public drunkeness; J. Walker, BPS;
- Andrea A. Strickland, 49, 4741 Thomasville Road, Tallahassee, Fla., probation violation-original charge deposit account fraud, SO;
- Lewis Fedd Lamanuel, 22, 517 E. Pine Street, Bainbridge, disorderly conduct, public drunkeness; C. Hill, BPS.
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