The following arrests and citations, occurring between Jan. 28, 2014 and Jan. 29, 2015, were reported by Bainbridge Public Safety and the Decatur County Jail:
- William Stacy Bryan, 41, 190 N. Hodges St., Brinson, failure to appear-original charge driving while license suspended; R. Hughes, SO;
- Tony Lamar Byrd, 43, 519 E. Green St., Bainbridge, aggravated child molestation (two counts), enticing a child for indecent purposes; C. Jordan, BPS;
- Chanprell Lashay Harris, 19, 213 Ridgefield Drive, Bainbridge, theft by taking (felony); R. Humphrey, BPS;
- Harold Unyula Smith, 43, 830 E. Broughton St. Apt. A, Bainbridge, burglary, failure to appear-original charge theft by taking; T. Mock, BPS;
- James Jason Wojciechowski, 44, 519 Ridley Ave., Lagrange, Ga., possession of methamphetamines with intent to distribute; B. Donalson, SO.
Format: Name of person charged, age, address, city, charges; Arresting Officer, Arresting Agency
SO = Decatur County Sheriff’s Office
BPS = Bainbridge Public Safety
GSP = Georgia State Patrol
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