The following arrests and citations, occurring between August 21, 2014 and August 22, 2014, were reported by Bainbridge Public Safety and the Decatur County Jail:
- Terrance Dewayne Keaton, 19, 608 Washington St., Bainbridge, probation violation, obstruction of an officer; T. Miller, BPS;
- Nancy Laraine Phillips, 52, 2206 Fowlstown Road Lot 106, Bainbridge, sale of Schedule II controlled substance; R. Humphrey, BPS;
- Kevin Antonio Williams, 22, 851 MLK Jr. Drive, Bainbridge, possession of a firearm by a convicted felon, drug traffic within 1,000 feet of a housing project, theft by receiving stolen property, illegal possession of controlled substance, possession of drug-related objects; S. Stroup, BPS;
- Robert Thomas Aiken III, 19, 1222 Culbreth St., Bainbridge, theft by shoplifting; J. Long, BPS;
- Sherma Tynese Cooper, 34, 333 Hanover Road, Bainbridge, improper backing, expired driver’s license, no insurance, obstruction of an officer (misdemeanor); J. Long, BPS;
- Jemial Herring, 28, 166 Jacksontown Road, Bainbridge, baggy pants ordinance; S. Stroup, BPS;
- Mischelle Rene Hobbs, 48, 2206 Fowlstown Road Lot 58, Bainbridge, sale of Schedule IV controlled substance; R. Humphrey, BPS;
- Jason Michael Esland, 37, 215 W. College St., Bainbridge, disorderly conduct; T. McCain, BPS;
- Aaron Allen Jones, 19, 170 Ward Road, Attapulgus, probation violation; T. Mixon, BPS;
- Michael Randolph Evans Jr., 21, 2567 Thomasville Road, Climax, DUI, driving while license suspended/revoked, failure to maintain lane, failure to report accident, possession of marijuana (less than an ounce), probation violation-original charge no insurance, SO.
Format: Name of person charged, age, address, city, charges; Arresting Officer, Arresting Agency
SO = Decatur County Sheriff’s Office
BPS = Bainbridge Public Safety
GSP = Georgia State Patrol
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