The following arrests and citations, occurring between July 3 and July 7, 2014, were reported by the Decatur County Jail:
- Terrell Jerome Bradwell, 32, 1832 W. Hampton St., Quincy, Fla., burglary in the second degree, SO’
- Danny Lee Casteel, 49, 912 N. Sims St. Apt 20-C, Bainbridge, DUI, open container; T. Anderson, GSP;
- Walker Junior Conley, 34, 4676 Old 179 Road, Calvary, Ga., probation violation-original charge impersonating an officer; V. Edmond, SO;
- Shauna Renee Gatlin, 25, 8196 Georgia Highway 65, Camilla, Ga., DUI, endangerment of a child under 14 by DUI; W. Landrum, GSP;
- Nathaniel Emanuel Griffin, 29, 1414 Powell St., Bainbridge, armed robbery, aggravated assault, possession of firearm or knife while trying to commit crimes; possession of arms by convicted felons & first offender probationers; T. Miller (BPS;
- Jimmy Lee Mash Jr., 26, 1853 Antioch Church Road, Bainbridge, probation violation-original charge burglary; G. McMillan, SO;
- Gerald Lewis McCormick, 49, 4099 Marshall St., Coolidge, Ga., driving while license suspended/revoked, bench warrant-driving while license suspended; P. Trolinger, SO;
- Laquita Dashun Mitchell, 23, 721 Shannon St., Tallahassee, Fla., DUI, reckless conduct (misdemeanor), possession of marijuana (misdemeanor); D. Fretwell, GSP;
- William Scott Nelson, 43, 105 9th Street, Havana, Fla., operating a vessel under the influence; Jon Penuel, Georgia DNR Law Enforcement;
- Willie Frank Ousley, 59, 140 Willis Road, Attapulgus, DUI, driving while license suspended/revoked, failure to maintain lane; P. Trolinger, SO;
- Anthony Lamont Perkins, 40, 128 Blackjack Lot 13, Bainbridge, contempt of court (child support); A. Mobley, SO;
- James Christopher Wade, 23, 2134 Country Golf Drive, Wellington, Fla., DUI, possession of marijuana (misdemeanor); B. Palmer, GSP;
- Brittany Michelle Whittaker, 23, 236 River Oaks Drive, Bainbridge, operating a vessel under the influence, operating a vessel without enough lifejackets, operating a vessel, operating a vessel with expired registration; Georgia DNR Law Enforcement;
- Deborah Yvonne-Grace Griffin, 59, 146 Pine Ridge Road, Bainbridge, theft by shoplifting; H. Dean, BPS;
- Maria Mendoza, 42, 220 Barber St., Bainbridge, adult restraint law, driving without a license (unlicensed); J. Long, BPS;
- Demarco Dontray, 20, 205 Louise St., Bainbridge, possession of alcohol by a minor, underage consumption; T. Miller, BPS;
- David Lawrence Robinson, 33, 1011 Japonica Drive, Bainbridge, DUI, adult seat belt law; Anderson, GSP;
- Jeremiah Baker, 25, 228 N. Russ St., Bainbridge, failure to appear; S. Stroup, BPS;
- Paul Houston Burrington, 45, 105 Seminole St., Bainbridge, public drunk. T. Pait, BPS;
- Toby Nathaniel Hurst, 23, 104 Cimarron Pakrway, Atlanta, Ga., driving while license withdrawn; Landrum, GSP;
- William Alver Love, 52, 120 Dollar Drive, Bainbridge, failure to appear; S. Maxwell, BPS;
- Brandi Diane Lowe, 37, 115 Eastern Way, Havana, Fla., DUI, possession of marijuana (misdemeanor), possession of drug-related object, tail lights required; Anderson, GSP;
- Michael Roland Jr., 23, 119 W. College St., Bainbridge, public drunk; S. Maxwell, BPS;
- George Wayne White, 33, 851 MLK Jr. Drive, Bainbridge, public drunk, indecent exposure, disorderly conduct; T. Miller, BPS;
- Shirley Victoria Cotton, 21, 126 Dupree St., Bainbridge, theft by shoplifting (1st); P. Bryant, BPS;
- Chastain Jerome Green, 28, 703 Lake Drive, Bainbridge, driving while license withdrawn; C. Hill Jr., BPS;
- Derrick Dewayne Jones, 17, 1001 Bluffton Drive, Bainbridge, theft by shoplifting (1st); D. Heard, BPS;
- Ladarius Cortez Jones, 18, 1001 Bluffton Drive, Bainbridge, theft by shoplifting (1st); D. Heard, BPS;
- Ronald McCants, 60, 1615 E. Pine St., Bainbridge, driving while license suspended/revoked, failure to stop for stop sign; D. Heard, BPS;
- Christopher Damon Mock, 32, 843 N. MLK Jr. Street, Colquitt, Ga., probation violation; A. McMillan, BPS;
- Loyetta Quowekia Moore, 35, 607 16th Ave., Albany, Ga., reckless driving, leaving the scene of an accident (hit & run); C. Hill Jr., BPS.
Bainbridge Public Safety did not report any arrests between Monday and Tuesday; BPS arrests between Tuesday and Wednesday will be included in Thursday’s report.
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