The following arrests and citations were reported by the Decatur County Jail and Bainbridge Public Safety. The addresses listed below are given to us directly by the Decatur County Jail and Bainbridge Public Safety:
- Jennifer Leigh Bullock, 38, Heritage Circle, Brinson, GA, Drug Related Objects, Drugs to be Kept in Original Container, Possession of Controlled Substance; GSP, Palmer
- Asabian Eugenia Butler, 26, GA Hwy 256, Colquitt, GA, Failure to Stop for Stop Sign, Fleeing or Attempting to Elude Police Officer, Possession of Marijuana with Intent to Distribute, Probation Violation, Reckless Driving, Theft by Shoplifting 1st; BPS, Akins
- Randy Jakel Cox, 29, Anderson Street, Bainbridge, GA, Contempt of Court O/C Child Support; DCSO, Osborne
- Justin Jamal Davis, 19, S. Sims Street, Bainbridge, GA, Possession of Marijuana (misd); BPS, Nix
- Alita Gay Edeker, 47, Leed Road 374, Valley, AL, Giving False Information of False Name; DCSO, Edmond
- Sergio Villa Garcia, 22, Mayo Drive, Bainbridge, GA, Driver to Exercise Due Care, Driving Without License, Open Container, Reckless Driving, Speeding; GSP, Kirkus
- James Carlton Hall, Jr., 31, E. Water Street, Bainbridge, GA, Disorderly conduct, Indecent Exposure; BPS, Akins
- Susan Kay Morris, 61, Strawberry Shortcut, Thomasville, GA, Possession of Methamphetamine; BPS, Richardson
- Louquis Noel Starling, 33, Japonica Drive, Bainbridge, GA, Simple Battery; BPs, Hughes
- Christopher Bernard Williams, 55, East River Road, Bainbridge, GA, Discorderly Conduct, Public Drunkenness; BPS, Shaw
- Jamichael Shaquille Williams, 22, S. Sims Street, Bainbridge, GA, Cruelty to Children – 3rd Degree, Terroristic Threats and Acts; DCSO, McCall
- Arthur Bryant, 46, Japonica Drive, Bainbridge, GA, Simple Battery (misd); BPS, Hughes
- Mitchell Eli Tomberlin, 44, Cleon-Waldrop Rd, Whigham, GA, DUI – 1st Offense (misd), Driving While License Suspended or Revoked (misd); BPS, Palmer
- Elton Joel Wells, 20, Linda Avenue, Bainbridge, GA, DUI – 1st Offense (misd); BPS, Palmer
- Joseph Richard Nelson, 36, Poston Road, Donalsonville, GA, Driving While License Suspended or Revoked (misd); BPS, Jackson
BPS = Bainbridge Public Safety
GSP = Georgia State Patrol
SO = Decatur County Sheriff’s Office
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