The following arrests and citations, occurring between Dec. 14, 2014 and Dec. 17, 2014, were reported by Bainbridge Public Safety and the Decatur County Jail:
- Sherika Levette Thomas, 26, 1202 E. Water St., Bainbridge, DUI, failure to yield right of way; H. Dean, BPS;
- Lonnie Baggling Jr., 20, 826 N. Russ St. Apt. B, Bainbridge, failure to appear-original charge possession of hydrocodone, SO;
- Melissa Gail Burris, 44, 128 Parrish Road, Bainbridge, simple battery (Family Violence Act); V. Edmond, SO;
- Charles James Fountain Jr., 46, 128 Parrish Road, Bainbridge, battery (Family Violence Act); V. Edmond, SO;
- Latrice Ann Nundra, 31, 505 Hall St., Bainbridge, probation violation-original charge theft by taking (fiduciary); T. Mock, BPS;
- Ricardo Denaz Jackson, 36, 446 Hazel Green Road, Quincy, Fla., theft by bringing stolen property into sate (felony); criminal use of an article with altered ID mark (other than motor vehicle), theft by deception (felony), SO;
- Angie Sherie Keller, 34, 4744 Vada Road, Climax, Ga., probation violation-original charge unlawful possession of pseudoephedrine; R. Walton, SO;
- Richard Eldridge Sims Jr., 34, 115 Magnolia Lane, Bainbridge, probation violation-original charge manufacturing meth; T. Williamson, SO.
Format: Name of person charged, age, address, city, charges; Arresting Officer, Arresting Agency
SO = Decatur County Sheriff’s Office
BPS = Bainbridge Public Safety
GSP = Georgia State Patrol
Related: Arrest Reports, 12/14 to 12/17
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