Law enforcement officers all over Southwest Georgia and North Florida had to deal with reports of large trees falling onto roadways during stormy weather in the early evening of June 30.
Many people in Bainbridge reported being without power for at least part of Tuesday night; there were a few people who were without power for multiple hours.
The Decatur County Public Works Department on Airport Road in West Bainbridge reported receiving 0.55 inches of rain. Decatur County Public Works said they responded to multiple calls of large trees blocking roadways on Tuesday evening. Three of the largest trees that fell were on Bailey Road and Gratten Ward Road (both in southern Decatur County, west of U.S. 27) and Martin Road, off Georgia 97 North.
One of the areas where damage caused by wind was particularly visible was at the pecan orchard off U.S. 27 South, between Attapulgus and Bainbridge.
At least one large pecan tree was completely uprooted, and there were a number of large limbs that had broken off trees and fell to the ground. Below are some pictures we took of the pecan orchard on Wednesday morning.
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