Grady Press Release March 2019
The Grady County March Trial Term commenced on Monday, March 17th, 2019. The Grand Jury heard approximately thirty matters. The vast majority were true billed and will be presented to a Trial Jury at the next term in June. One case of note, Carrie Croy, will presented to the Grand Jury in May.
The Trial Court commenced on Tuesday, March 19th, 2019. A jury was impaneled in the case of the State versus Nicholas Perry. Perry was charged and indicted for the murder of Elijah Smith. The facts showed that on January 7th, 2017, Smith and Perry were involved in a mutual combat fight in the backyard of a residence in Cairo, Georgia. After the jury was selected the Defendant pled guilty to Voluntary Manslaughter. The Honorable Heather H. Lanier sentenced the Defendant to twenty years, ten to serve in the State Penitentiary. District Attorney Joe Mulholland stated “I hope that this will give the family of the victim some closure knowing that the Defendant will serve a lengthy sentence in the State System. There are no winners in a case like this, especially when the fight was over ten dollars. I pray for all of the family members involved.”
Another Jury was impaneled in the case of the State versus Joseph Simmons. Simmons is charged with Child Molestation, Enticing a Child for Indecent Purposes, and False Imprisonment. The case is currently still in trial, so the Office of the District Attorney will keep the public updated.
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