New Books at the Library
Come check out the new books that we have for you at the Decatur County – Gilbert H. Gragg Library! Words From the Heart by Kathleen Fuller, The Woman’s Hour: The Great Fight to Win the Vote by Elaine Weiss, and If I Liveby Terri Blackstock are just a few of the books that have just arrived. Get these and more at the library today.
Drawing Class
Come to the library on Thursday, March 8 at 4 pm for our new Drawing Class! Join us for drawing tips and activities. Materials are provided, and participants of all ages are welcome. The Drawing Class will be held the secondTuesday of each month in the spring.
Coding Club
Coding Club will return to the library on Thursday, March 15 at 4 p.m. Come learn the basics of computers and coding in a way that is easy and fun. Participants must register in advance. If you have any questions or would like more information, contact the library at 229-248-2665, ext. 112.
Computer Class
The library will be hosting computer classes in March. Microsoft Word: Beyond the Basics on March 12 at 10 a.m. will teach you about using bullets, tables, page numbers, and more in Microsoft Word. Our monthly introductory computer classes on March 13-15 at 10 a.m. will teach you the basics of using a computer, Microsoft Word, and internet and email. If you are interested in attending the computer class, please register in advance by calling the library at 229-248-2665, ext. 112.
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