The following arrests and citations were reported by the Decatur County Jail and Bainbridge Public Safety. The addresses listed below are given to us directly by the Decatur County Jail and Bainbridge Public Safety:
- Richard Phillip Barfield, 22, Sasser Store Road, Bainbridge, GA, Possession of Marijuana With Intent to Distribute; DCSO, Walton
- Danielle Alesha Fernndez, 23, Euenia Street, Tallahassee, FL, Driving While License Suspended or Revoked, Speeding; GSP, Landrum
- Andrew Lewis Flack, 31, Flint River Heights, Bainbridge, GA, Adult Restraint Law Seat Belt, Driving Under the Influence Alcohol/Drugs, Endangerment of Child 14 (DUI), Violation of D/L Restrictions; GSP, Kelley
- Derius Raoule Green, 27, Fowlstown Road, Bainbridge, GA, Criminal Damage to Property (Felony), Discharging Firearm by a Convicted Felon; DCSO, King
- De’Jarik Monique-Latrese Mclendon, 19, Kingsbury Lane, Albany, GA, Bench Warrant o/C Driving While License Suspended; DCSO, Presilla
- Robin William Meritt, 35, Brinson Colquitt Rd, Brinson, GA, Contempt of Court (Clinch County SO); DCSO, Presilla
- Patrice Joann Parrish, 25, Powell Road, Bainbridge, GA, Possession of Marijuana with Intent to Distribute; DCSO, Williams
- Akeem Darrell Miller, 19, Chason Street, Bainbridge, GA, Simple Battery (misd); BPS, McMillan
- Mansey Griffin, 55, Clay Street, Bainbridge, GA, Driving While License Suspended or Revoked (misd); BPS, Prindle
- Eric Myrick, 41, Japonica Drive, Bainbridge, GA, Simple Battery – Family Violence (misd); BPS, McMillan
BPS = Bainbridge Public Safety
GSP = Georgia State Patrol
SO = Decatur County Sheriff’s Office
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