The following arrests and citations were reported by the Decatur County Jail. The addresses listed below are given to us directly by the Decatur County Jail:
- Michael John Allen, 34, John Bush Road, Brinson, Ga, Probation Violation o/c Aggravated Assault; Reynolds, DESO
- Laura Beth Beauman, 36, Russ Street, Bainbridge, Ga, Burglary; Strickland, BPS
- John Richard Bevilacqua, 32, Flint Road, Columbus, Oh, Failure to Maintain Lane, Illegal Possession of Controlled Substance, Trafficking in Marijuana; Myers, BPS
- Brian Lamar Clark, 39, Rainbow Drive, Ocilla, Ga, Theft by Taking; Hanks, DESO
- Dominque Maurice Davis, 28, Mitchell Street, Pelham, Ga, Probation Violation o/c Armed Robbery; Harvey, MTC
- James Edward Glass, 42, Josey Lane, Brinson, Ga, Driving while License Suspended or Revoked, Remove or Affix Plate to Conceal Vehicle ID; Prince, GSP
- Mareko Jerome Samuel, 25, North Russ Street, Bainbridge, Ga, Burglary; Strickland, BPS
BPS = Bainbridge Public Safety
GSP = Georgia State Patrol
SO = Decatur County Sheriff’s Office
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