Bainbridge Public Safety Officers Jayson Myers and Jason Hayes performed a routine traffic stop at 8:30am on Wednesday morning on Tallahassee Highway in front of Tractor Supply. According to Myers, the driver of the single occupant vehicle was acting agitated during the stop, which led the officers to suspect the driver was hiding something. A search of the vehicle uncovered a duffel bag containing 23 one-pound vacuum sealed bags of marijuana, a suitcase containing 7 one-pound vacuum sealed bags of marijuana, and a bottle of the prescription medication, Adderall. The 30lb drug bust led to the arrest of John Bevilacqua (32) rom Columbus, Ohio. Investigator Chris Jordan assisted in the arrest. Bevilacqua is charged with: 1) Failure to Maintain Lane 2) Possession of a Schedule Two Controlled Substance 3) Trafficking Marijuana.
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