The 57th annual Rattlesnake Roundup will be held tomorrow, Saturday, January 28, 2017 at the Rattlesnake Roundup Grounds in Whigham, Georgia. Sponsored by the Whigham Community Club, the annual event will draw more than 20,000 visitors to the southwest Georgia town of only 500 people. This year’s event will feature nearly 100 vendors, kids activities such as bounce house, zip lines and more.
The annual event coincides with National Rattlesnake Roundup Day, which is January 28.
“January 28 – Rattlesnake Roundup Day – Most places no longer round up wild rattlesnakes and this day has become more of a wildlife festival than an event to buy or sell rattlesnakes. But back in the day, you would have found all sorts of interesting people doing all sorts of very weird things with rattlesnakes that were dead or alive.”
The weekend weather is going to shape up nicely for the festival – Saturday’s projected high temperature is only 57 degrees.
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