On Tuesday, the City of Bainbridge, Decatur County Board of Commissioners and Memorial Hospital Authority announced a special called, joint meeting of the boards this Thursday night.
Among the agenda items is a proposed Memorandum of Understanding to be considered. A memorandum of understanding is defined as “A document that expresses mutual accord on an issue between two or more parties. Memoranda of understanding are generally recognized as binding, even if no legal claim could be based on the rights and obligations laid down in them. To be legally operative, a memorandum of understanding must (1) identify the contracting parties, (2) spell out the subject matter of the agreement and its objectives, (3) summarize the essential terms of the agreement, and (4) must be signed by the contracting parties. Also called letter of intent.” (Business Dictionary.com)
City of Bainbridge, Georgia
Special Called Joint Meeting
January 12, 2017 – 6:00pm – Charles H. Kirbo Center
- Welcome and explanation of the meetings purpose- Edward Reynolds, Mayor, City of Bainbridge
- Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States- Dennis Brinson, Commissioner
- Recognition of the Members of the Public Wishing to Comment- Pete Stephens, Chairman of the County Commission.
- Call to Order of the City Council, Decatur County Board of Commissioners and Hospital Authority-Reynolds, Stephens, Bench
- Introduction of the City, County, Hospital Authority Memorandum of Understanding- Mayor Reynolds
- Consideration of the MOU. In this order: City, County and Hospital Authority.
- Closing Comments from Chairman Stephens
- Closing Comments from Chairperson Bench
- Closing Comments and Adjournment from Mayor Reynolds
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