The following arrests and citations were reported by the Decatur County Jail. The addresses listed below are given to us directly by the Decatur County Jail:
- Brian Eugene Anderson, 30, South Cuthbert Street, Colquitt, Ga, Possession of Marijuana less than 1 oz, Speeding; Landrum, DESO
- Jalisa Patrice Cox, 25, MLK Jr Drive, Bainbridge, Ga, Battery (Family Violence); Green, BPS
- Justin Sherrard Gadson, 25, Albany Road, Bainbridge, Ga, Possession of Marijuana; Reynolds, DESO
- Aaron Smart Gayle, 27, Old Whigham Road, Bainbridge, Ga, Possession of a Controlled Substance within 1000 ft of a Public or Private School, Possession of Marijuana with Intent to Sell, Distribute; Myers, BPS
- Charles Eddie Henry, 62, Henry Lane, Bainbridge, Ga, Theft by Taking; Miller, BPS
- Edward Johnson Jr., 38, Concord Road, Havana, Fl, Driving while License Suspended or Revoked, Seatbelt Violation – Adult; Lewis, DESO
- Tyrone Murphy Jr., 18, Adams Drive, Bainbridge, Ga, Burglary; Davidson, DESO
- Mark Avery Parish Jr., 27, Bainbridge, Ga, Possession of Drug Related Object, Possession of Methamphetamine; Myers, BPS
- Steven David Rehrig, 38, Tallahassee, Fl, DUI – Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol, Failure to Maintain Lane; Landrum, GSP
- David Lee Rivers Jr., 61, West Mercer Avenue, Albany, Ga, Driving Under the Influence Alcohol/Drugs, Failure to Maintain Lane, Open Container; Day, BPS
- Christopher Lamar Stovall, 47, Water Street, Bainbridge, Ga, Battery ( Family Violence), Kidnapping; Prindle, BPS
- Khiry Xavier Valentine, 24, Arnold Road, Bainbridge, Ga, Obedience to Traffic Control Device, Possession of Controlled Substance (Ecstasy); Myers, BPS
- Crystal Lynn Watts, 28, Faceville Attapulgus, Attapulgus, Ga, DUI 1st Offense, Endangering a Child while DUI; Landrum, GSP
- Richard Lawade Davis, 34, Hopeful Park Road, Camilla, Ga, Driving while License Suspended or Revoked, Tail Light Requirements; Hayes, BPS
- Benjamin Eugene Inlow, 57, Green Street, Bainbridge, Ga, Cruelty to Animals; McMillan, BPS
- Kelley Maurice Brown, 36, Decatur Street, Bainbridge, Ga, Criminal Trespass; Jackson, BPS
- Tramaine Jeviah McCray, Fowlstown Road, Attapulgus, Ga, Controlled Substance – Possession of Marijuana, Loud Music from Vehicle, No Insurance 1st, Driving without Tag, Driving while License Suspended of Revoked, Removing of Affixing License Plate with Intent to Conceal Identity of Vehicle; Prindle, BPS
- Rudolph Feodor Jackson, 48, South Miller Avenue, Bainbridge, Ga, No Insurance 1st, Driving while License Suspended or Revoked; Prindle, BPS
- Henry Castillo Morales, 32, Dow Jones Road, Bainbridge, Ga, Driving without Valid License, Seatbelt Violation – Child Restraint; Hughes, BPS
- Jasmine Shon’ta Tate, 20, Broughton Street, Bainbridge, Ga, Disorderly Conduct; Akins, BPS
BPS = Bainbridge Public Safety
GSP = Georgia State Patrol
SO = Decatur County Sheriff’s Office
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