The following arrests and citations were reported by the Decatur County Jail. The addresses listed below are given to us directly by the Decatur County Jail:
- Patricia Lea Clyburn, 33, Railroad Street, Colquitt, Ga, Failure to Maintain Lane, DUI – 1st Offense, Driving while License Suspended or Revoked; Day, BPS
- John Wesley Goodman Jr., 21, Wingate Road, Bainbridge, Ga, Felony False Statement; Williamson, DESO
- Jessie George Hall, 36, Martin Lane, Colquitt, Ga, Driving Under the Influence Alcohol/Drugs, Possession of Marijuana, Driving while License Suspended or Revoked, Open Container; Prindle, BPS
- Jimmie Carroll Hodges, 38, Climax, Ga, Possession of Controlled Substance, Obstruction of an Officer; McMillan
- Stanley Ree Miller, 56, East College Street, Bainbridge, Ga, Simple Battery; Musgrove, DESO
- Carl Michael Reed Jr., 18, Engelhard Way, Attapulgus, Ga, Simple Battery; DESO
- Kevin Antonio Williams, 24, Blackjack Road, Bainbridge, Ga, Possession of Marijuana less than 1 oz, Possession of Drug Related Object; Myers, BPS
- Derrick K Hallmon, 28, Ruth Drive, Bainbridge, Ga, Theft by Shoplifting; Jackson, BPS
- Jamie Scott Smith, 38, Riverchase Drive, Bainbridge, Ga, DUI – 2nd Offense, Driving while Licnese Suspended or Revoked; Myers, BPS
- Keith Anthony Cherry, 34, Timberlane Road, Bainbridge, Ga, Driving while Licnese Suspended or Revoked, Failure to Obey Stop Sign; Myers, BPS
- Hunter Dewayne Strickland, 19, Spring Creek Road, Brinson, Ga, DUI – 1st Offense, Unlawful Sale of Alcoholic Beverages to, and Unlawful Purchase and Pssession of Alcohol by Minor; Prindle, BPS
- Tewanda Renee Jaye, 42, Meridian Drive, Bainbridge, Ga, DUI – 1st Offense; Prindle, BPS
- Amanda Marie Shattles, 34, Twin Lakes Drive, Bainbridge, Ga, Obstructing or Hidering LE Officers; Prindle, BPS
BPS = Bainbridge Public Safety
GSP = Georgia State Patrol
SO = Decatur County Sheriff’s Office
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