The following arrests and citations were reported by the Decatur County Jail. The addresses listed below are given to us directly by the Decatur County Jail:
- Curel Jamichael Adams, 19, Halftrack St, Tallahassee, FL, Theft by receiving stolen property, driving with learner’s permit, failure to stop for stop sign, theft by bringing stolen property into state; Glover, BPS
- Veronica Yvette Anderson, 27, Lake Dr, Bainbridge, GA, Fleeing or attempting to elude a police officer for a felony offense, reckless driving, improper passing, speeding; Marchant, GSP
- Derrick Dearell Carter, 24, E Gate Dr, Bainbridge, GA, Probation violation (o/c poss of marijuana with intent, possession of pistol by a minor); Marchant, GSP
- Sabrina Nicole Duncan, 34, Dothan Rd, Bainbridge, GA, Probation violation (o/c theft by taking); Trolinger, SO
- James Phillip Everson, 35, Gibson Rd, Climax, GA, Contempt of court (child support) (2 charges); Reynolds, SO
- Samuel Clay Glisson, Jr., 39, Dothan Rd, Bainbridge, GA, Contempt of court (o/c child support); Trolinger, SO
- Cornelius Obryan Henderson, 24, Plum Nelly Circle, Bainbridge, GA, Sexual Offender register (failure to comply); Bedwell, SO
- Shenika Maria Mathis, 28, Thornateeska Dr, Bainbridge, GA, Cruelty to children (FV – 2 counts), Reckless conduct (misd – FV – 2 counts); Glover, BPS
- Robert Luther Odom, 41, Sharber Rd, Bainbridge, GA, Possession of a schedule II controlled substance, shocking fish; Cox, DNR
- Katina Andrus Spivey, 25, Burke St, Grand Ridge, FL, DUI, failure to maintain lane, reckless driving, reckless conduct (misd), open container, no insurance; Kirkus, GSP
- Fredrick Jamaine Tomlin, 28, Vada Rd, Bainbridge, GA, Possession of marijuana less than one ounce; Glover, BPS
- Ismael Rivera Sifuentes, 36, Evans St, Bainbridge, GA, Public drunkeness, Simple battery; McMillan, BPS
- Joshua Todd Sorrow, 36, Colonial Rd, Camilla, GA, Theft of services; Long, BPS
- John Taylor Reynolds IV, 22, Flint River Heights Rd, Bainbridge, GA, Driving while license suspended or revoked; Nix, BPS
- Yalonda Lachelle Lee, 20, Center St, Bainbridge, GA, Affray (misd), disorderly conduct (misd); Richardson, BPS
SO = Decatur County Sheriff’s Office
BPS = Bainbridge Public Safety
GSP = Georgia State Patrol
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