ATLANTA (June 10, 2016) | On June 8, 2016, the Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT) announced it awarded 37 contracts for statewide construction projects totaling over $82.7 million. These projects were advertised for bids in May and awarded on June 3. The projects include resurfacing 13.3 miles of SR 38 in Grady and Thomas counties and 18.3 miles of SR 37 in Mitchell County. Construction is expected to be complete by April 30, 2017.
“These projects are vital to the safety and wellbeing of those who travel in our communities every day,” said Sen. Dean Burke. “I look forward to continuing to work with GDOT as they work to improve the conditions of existing infrastructure and other necessary road construction projects throughout District 11.”

“Georgia’s current transportation infrastructure has needed some attention for quite some time and thanks to the support of legislators like Sen. Burke, we have been able to begin improving the conditions of our roadways,” said Jay Roberts, GDOT planning director. “It is our hope that we can continue to make strides in ensuring the safety of citizens throughout Georgia by not only maintaining our current infrastructure, but also by constructing new projects designed to ease traffic flows in some of our more congested areas.”
Details on all awarded projects from the May letting can be found through the Award Announcement Downloads link at https://www.bidx.com/ga/letting?lettingid=16052001. Click on Award Announcement on the right.
Information on schedules, lane closures and detours will be made available in advance of construction activities.
Routine Maintenance Contracting opportunities are available. For information about contractor qualification and the bidding process for Routine Maintenance projects, visit www.dot.ga.gov/RoutineMaint.
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