Thomas County Investigators arrested two brothers and their wives from stealing thousands of dollars’ worth of merchandise.
Investigators say Stephanie Burton, Ginger Burton, Justin Burton, and Junior Burton robbed a home yesterday, stealing a pressure washer, a weed eater and other tools.
Officials say one of the brothers knocked on the door before they robbed the home that was when the victim took a picture of their car as they drove away
“Normal with burglars they knock to make sure if anyone is at home, normally if you answer the door (they’ll say) ‘I’m sorry I’m looking for John Doe.’ they’ll say that was the wrong address so that they know to leave and they’ll know someone’s at the house. If you knock and no one answers they’ll assume no one’s home,” said Thomas County Investigator Tim Watkins.
Investigators say they also found other stolen equipment such as a four wheeler, bikes, and a motorcycle, all four of them could each be charged with a felony.
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