The Bainbridge City Council recently passed a resolution proclaiming the city as an official “Purple Heart City,” and honored veterans and their families at the Oct. 21 City Council meeting.
The Purple Heart is a United States military decoration awarded in the name of the President to those wounded or killed, while serving, on or after April 5, 1917, with the U.S. military.
[Click here to read a list of local Purple Heart recipients and details of their service]
In conjunction with becoming a Purple Heart City, Bainbridge will display two signs honoring veterans within city limits: one is a Wounded Warrior parking sign and another proclaims Bainbridge as a Purple Heart City.
The City of Bainbridge recently held a Take a Warrior fishing day, in which volunteers with boats took area Wounded Warriors fishing on the Flint River and Lake Seminole.

Here is the text of the Purple Heart City resolution:
WHEREAS, the people of the City of Bainbridge have great admiration and the utmost gratitude for all the men and women who have selflessly served their country and this community in the Armed Forces; and
WHEREAS, the veterans have paid the high price of freedom by leaving their families and communities and placing themselves in harm’s way for the good of all; and
WHEREAS, the contributions and sacrifices of the men and women from the City of Bainbridge who served in the Armed Forces have been vital in maintaining the freedom and way of life enjoyed by our citizens;
WHEREAS, many men and women in uniform have given their lives while serving in the Armed Forces; and
WHEREAS, the citizens of our community who have earned the Purple Heart Medal as a result of being wounded while engaged in combat with an enemy forces, construed as a singularly meritorious act of essential service; and
WHEREAS, October 21, 2014 has officially been designated as the day in the City of Bainbridge to remember and recognize veterans who are recipients of the Purple Heart Medal,
NOW THEREFORE, I, Edward Reynolds, Mayor of the City of Bainbride, Georgia do hereby proclaim the City of Bainbridge as a Purple Heart City, honoring the service and sacrifice of our nation’s men and women in uniform wounded or killed by the enemy while serving to protect the freedoms enjoyed by all Americans.
IN WITNESS THEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of Bainbridge, Georgia to be affixed this twenty-first day of October in the year of Our Lord, two thousand fourteen.
Edward Reynolds, Mayor
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