The following arrests and citations, occurring between Oct. 3, 2014 and Oct. 6, 2014, were reported by Bainbridge Public Safety and the Decatur County Jail:
- Danny Lee Castel, 49, 912 N. Sims St., Bainbridge, possession of drug-related object, driving while license withdrawn, possession of cocaine, obstruction of an officer (misdemeanor), open container; T. Mock, BPS;
- Kalvin Antoine Coley, 21, 906 Anderson St., Bainbridge, indecent exposure (1st offense); T. Mock, BPS;
- Clifton Bernard Samuels, 21, 646 Quincy Highway, Bainbridge, failure to drive within single lane, failure to appear, driving without a license, open container, failure to drive within single lane; K. Ellison, BPS;
- Garry Lee Moody, 37, 413 S. Main St., Bainbridge, public drunk, drinking in public, dumping litter on public or private property; J. Myers, BPS;
- Ronda Jean Morris, 45, 907 Cameron Drive, Bainbridge, driving while license suspended, adult seat belt violation; S. Maxwell, BPS;
- Jessica Elaine Poole, 31, 209 Martin St., Bainbridge, possession of marijuana (less than an ounce); C. Jordan, BPS;
- Brenda Lee Wimberly, 51, 1315 4th St., Bainbridge, possession of marijuana with intent to distribute; C. Jordan, BPS;
- Sonny Miles Yeats, 979 Old Pelham Road, Bainbridge, deposit account fraud; K. Davidson, SO;
- Jimmy Louis Anderson, 158 Melissa Drive, Bainbridge, simple battery, criminal trespass (Family Violence Act); N. Godwin, SO;
- Craig Haire, 2206 Fowlstown Road Lot 54, Bainbridge, contempt of court (child support)(two counts); V. Edmond, SO;
- Michael Steven Yates, 3544 Spring Creek Road Apt. A, Bainbridge, aggravated assault; K. Davidson, SO;
- Joshua David Heisler, 136 Dollar Drive, Bainbridge, battery (Family Violence Act); J. Williams, SO;
- Juan Carlos Padron, 108 N. Wilson Street, Attapulgus, DUI, adult seat belt violation; R, Snider, GSP;
- Delontray Stephen Torres, 1004 Anderson Street, Bainbridge, giving false information or false name, probation violation; V. Edmond, SO.
Format: Name of person charged, age, address, city, charges; Arresting Officer, Arresting Agency
SO = Decatur County Sheriff’s Office
BPS = Bainbridge Public Safety
GSP = Georgia State Patrol
Related: Arrest Reports from Oct. 2-Oct. 3
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