The following arrests and citations, occurring between July 24, 2014 and July 28, 2014, were reported by Bainbridge Public Safety and the Decatur County Jail:
- Rufus Leon Brown, 48, 815 MLK Jr. Drive, Bainbridge, public drunk, pedestrian darting in and out of traffic; W. Day, BPS;
- Peyton Tracy Dixon, 19, 1045 Attapulgus-Climax Road, Bainbridge, instructional permits, open container, windshield violation, failure to stop at stop sign, failure to file or maintain required written reports, DUI; BPS, T. Miller;
- Dylan James Griner, 17, 1371 Yates Spring Road, Brinson, underage consumption of alcohol; W. Landrum, GSP;
- Harry Frank Kimbrel, 32, 526 Cedar Grove Road, Climax, probation violation; C. Hill Jr., BPS;
- Alexis Ladeja Miller, 19, 851 MLK Jr. Drive 10-G, Bainbridge, theft by shoplifting; M. Esquivel, BPS;
- Brittney Nichole Miller, 18, 171 Neal Street, Bainbridge, theft by shoplifting; M. Esquivel, BPS;
- Thomas Heath Bramblett, 31, 122 River Ridge Drive, Bainbridge, possession of marijuana less than one ounce; J. Myers, BPS;
- Anthony James Cooper, 34, 120 E. Judith Drive, Bainbridge, failure to appear-original charge driving while license suspended; J. Myers, BPS;
- Joseph Matthew Henderson, 37, 521 W. Broughton St., Bainbridge, minor seatbelt violation, adult seat belt violation, driving while license withdrawn; N. Hurst, BPS;
- Benjamin Inlow, 55, 217 W. Green St., Bainbridge, illegal possession of controlled substance, tampering with evidence; J. Myers, BPS;
- Tanisha Laquata Rivers, 31, 851 MLK Jr. Drive Apt. 7A, Bainbridge, fighting in public place (affray), BPS;
- Ivan Trent Stephens, 48, 912 N. Sims St. Apt. 22-C, Bainbridge, theft by shoplifting (four counts); C. Prindle, BPS;
- James Earl Jenkins, 17, 815 Albany Road, Bainbridge, disorderly conduct; T. McCain, BPS;
- Bobby Antonio Jones, 24, Bethel Road, Bainbridge, possession of marijuana (less than an ounce); T. Mixon, BPS;
- Jaquan Washington, 17, 1128 Carter St., Bainbridge, disorderly conduct; T. McCain, BPS;
- Reginald Dizz Butler, 49, 2016 Whigham Road, Whigham, theft by shoplifting, giving false information or false name, probation violation; S. Stroup, BPS;
- David Alan Lane, 46, 2891 Bethel Road, Bainbridge, possession of marijuana (misdemeanor), possession of drug-related objects; T. Miller, BPS;
- Victor Lamar Bodison, 36, 710 Gordon Ave. Apt. I-34, Bainbridge, theft by taking; C. Roberts, SO:
- Edward John Bolen Jr., 30, 289 Barrow Ave., Pelham, Ga., possession of marijuana (less than an ounce); B. Palmer, GSP;
- Derric Keefe Brady, 29, 324 Lake Douglas Road Lot 4, Bainbridge, boating under the influence; Steve Thomas, Georgia Department of Natural Resources Law Enforcement;
- Mark Jeffery Chitwood, 48, 27 East Central Ave., Paoli, Pa., possession of marijuana (less than an ounce), DUI; K. Jones, GSP;
- Vaughn Constance Girvin, 36, 412 Pine St., Bainbridge, battery (Family Violence Act); R. Hughes, SO;
- Derrick Wilson Hill, 35, 5507 Chollaway, Orlando, Fla., theft by taking, SO;
- Joey Eugene Howard, 43, 2070 Butler Ferry Road, Bainbridge, DUI, reckless driving, speeding; J. Kirkus, GSP;
- Chris Jerome Johnson, 18, 435 Pecan Drive, Camilla, Ga., failure to appear-original charge possession of marijuana, SO;
- Damarkus Mathis, 26, 802 N. Lamar St., Bainbridge, theft by taking, SO;
- Becky Michelle Newman, 44, 136 Seventh St., Bainbridge, simple battery (Family Violence Act); SO;
- Bryan Rashawn Porter, 27, 836 E. Water St., Bainbridge, speeding, adult seat belt law, failure to maintain lane, fleeing or attempting to elude police officer, reckless driving, obstruction of an officer (misdemeanor);
- Derrick Joseph Reaves, 24, 4016 Ford St., Orlando, Fla., theft by taking (felony); C. Roberts, SO;
- Chelsey Lynn Richardson, 17, 155 Robin Lane, Bainbridge, theft by taking; A. Mobley, SO;
- Travis Bernard Richardson, 42, 305 W. 13th Street, Donalsonville, Ga., failure to register to meet registration requirements for sex offenders; SO;
- William Lawrence Rowan, 52, 136 Seventh St., Bainbridge, simple battery (Family Violence); A. Mobley, SO;
- Fredrick Jamaine Tomlin, 26, 2014 Vada Road, Bainbridge, probation violation-original charge criminal damage to property in second degree; SO;
- Terry Vondale Reynolds, 19, 107 Griffin St., Bainbridge, probation violation-original charge possession of marijuana; B. Lambert, SO.
Format: Name of person charged, age, address, city, charges; Arresting Officer, Arresting Agency
SO = Decatur County Sheriff’s Office
BPS = Bainbridge Public Safety
GSP = Georgia State Patrol
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