The following arrests and citations, occurring between July 9 and July 11, 2014, were reported by the Decatur County Jail:
- Edgar Todd Bowen, 38, 1121 Meridian Drive, Bainbridge, public drunk, indecent exposure (1st offense); S. Maxwell, BPS;
- Stephen James Bush, 22, 704 Old Faceville Road, Bainbridge, DUI, driving while license withdrawn; B. Palmer, GSP;
- Shawanna Lynette James, 30, 830 Water St. Apt. A, Bainbridge, possession of marijuana with intent to distribute, possession of drug-related object; C. Jordan, BPS;
- Tammie Denise Crump, 31, 1009 Lord Ave., Bainbridge, contempt of court-child support; V. Edmond, SO;
- Danny Cecil Gibson, 29, Yates Road, Brinson, contempt of court-child support; V. Edmond, SO;
- Kaquana Kemisha Glenn, 33, 1105 Lake Drive, Bainbridge, contempt of court-contempt of court; V.Edmond, SO;
- Paul Toliver Peterson, 24, 1117 Troup St., Bainbridge, parole violation-original charge possession of cocaine; S. Maxwell, BPS;
- Amos Porter Jr., 41, 2526 Old Whigham Road, Bainbridge, contempt of court-child support; P. Trolinger, SO;
- Jimmy Rashad Scott, 25, 241 Sykes Mill Road, Climax, probation violation-original charge enticing a child for indecent purposes; G. McMillan, SO;
- Kearsley Keshawn Smith, 21, 261 Glenville Road, Brinson, probation violation-original charge DUI; C. Strickland, SO;
- Jeremy Jerome Taylor, 41, 108 Ronnie Lambert Road, Bainbridge, contempt of court-child support; A. Mobley, SO;
- Christopher Maurice Wright, 32, 106 Love St., Bainbridge, contempt of court-child support (two counts); A. Mobley, SO;
- Steven David McKinsey, 27, 801 North 15th Street, Cordele, Ga., possession of marijuana by an inmate; Sgt. C. Smith, SO.
Bainbridge Public Safety did not report any arrests between Monday and Tuesday; BPS arrests between Tuesday and Wednesday will be included in Thursday’s report.
Format: Name of person charged, age, address, city, charges; Arresting Officer, Arresting Agency
SO = Decatur County Sheriff’s Office
BPS = Bainbridge Public Safety
GSP = Georgia State Patrol
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