The following arrests and citations, occurring between May 30 and June 2, 2014, were reported by Bainbridge Public Safety:
- Jorge Trujillo Rojano, 28, 2811 Governors Drive SW, Huntsville, Ala., DUI, adult seat belt law violation, failure to maintain lane, open container in vehicle, driving without a license; J. Myers, BPS;
- Jeremy Alton Williams, 23, 3730 Old Whigham Road, Climax, DUI, simple battery; J. Myers, BPS;
- Tyler Williams, 17, 204 Love St., Bainbridge, fighting in a public place (affray); K. Ellison, BPS;
- Brian Douglas Kelly, 35, 702 Hawk St., Bainbridge, interference with a 911 call, criminal trespass; T. McCain, BPS;
- Jose Luis Martinez, 25, 950 Old Highway 27, South Bay, Fla., violation of window tint law, driving without a license; T. McCain, BPS;
- Carrell Leon Parrish, 26, 116 Virginia Lane, Climax, probation violation-original charge simple battery; N. Hurst, BPS;
- Jamichael Terrell Allen, 31, 1448 Drane Smith Road, Bainbridge, violation of court order (Gadsden County charge), BPS;
- Jeremy Lane Busby, 21, 1634 E. Pine St., Bainbridge, battery (Family Violence Act); S. Stroup, BPS;
- Jessica Brooke Jones, 23, 2175 Butler Ferry Road, Bainbridge, possession of marijuana with intent to distribute; B. Donalson, SO;
- Ronald Eugene Jones, 26, 2175 Butler Ferry Road, Bainbridge, possession of marijuana with intent to distribute; B. Donalson, SO;
- James Winston Mills, 57, 1411 Lake Drive, Bainbridge, burglary; SO;
- Francoise Shavell Thornton, 23, 306 Cemetery St., Bainbridge, contempt of court (child support); R. Hughes, SO;
- Eric Ray Groves, 23, 95 Eddie Lane, Thomasville, Ga., giving false information or false name to law enforcement, adult seat belt law violation, SO;
- Bradley Dewayne Smith, 24, 249 Smith Landing Road, Brinson, possession of marijuana (less than an ounce); B. Donalson, SO.
Format: Name of person charged, age, address, city, charges; Arresting Officer, Arresting Agency
SO = Decatur County Sheriff’s Office
BPS = Bainbridge Public Safety
GSP = Georgia State Patrol
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