Seeking an inexpensive way to boost your employees’ customer service skills?
The Max Customer Service course will be held in Bainbridge. This class is open to anyone in the community! Participants will learn methods to correct poor customer service habits and create a new, customer-friendly environment. The cost for the five-week course is only $20.
The course begins Wednesday, May 28 from 8:30 a.m.-10:30 a.m. at City Council Chambers at Bainbridge City Hall. It will be hosted by the Small Business Development Center, Downtown Bainbridge, Convention & Visitors Bureau, Bainbridge-Decatur County Chamber of Commerce, and the OneGeorgia Authority.
For more info or to sign up, contact Amanda Glover with Downtown Bainbridge at 248-2000 or Ali Dowdy at the Bainbridge-Decatur County Chamber of Commerce at 246-2774.
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