The following arrests and citations, occurring between July 30, 2014 and August 1, 2014, were reported by Bainbridge Public Safety and the Decatur County Jail:
- Robert Lee Vicks III, 30, 104 Lucy St., Thomasville, Ga., probation violation; T. Mock, BPS;
- Esthela Contrera Altamirano, 37, Beaverton, Ore., reckless conduct (misdemeanor); R. Day, BPS;
- Fred Barber, 52, 112 E. Louise St., Bainbridge, probation violation, headlights required, driving while license withdrawn; T. Miller, BPS;
- Dantley Kadean Miller, 21, 411 Campbell St., Bainbridge, tail lights required, no proof of insurance, loud music, obstruction of an officer (misdemeanor), possession of marijuana (misdemeanor); S. Maxwell, BPS;
- April Sharell Eason, 31, 6155 Research Road Lot No. 3, Camilla, Ga., probation violation-original charge possession of marijuana; N. Cotton, SO.
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