The following arrests and citations were reported by the Decatur County Jail. The addresses listed below are given to us directly by the Decatur County Jail.
- Carson Brandon Givens, 41, 241 Martin Rd, Bainbridge, GA, Obstruction of an officer (misd), simple assault (FV); Trolinger, SO
- Jonathan Neal Nichols, 35, 994 Hornsby Rd, Iron City, GA, Driving while license suspended or revoked, speeding; Singletary, GSP
- Francoise Shavell Thornton, 25, 306 Cemetery Street, Bainbridge, GA, Illegal possession of controlled substance, driving while license suspended or revoked; Pait, BPS
- Helena Jobeth Vickers, 25, 120 Neal Street, Bainbridge, GA, Deposit account fraud; Hughes, SO
- Jeremy Alton Williams, 25, 3730 Old Whigham Rd, Climax, GA, Failure to appear (o/c theft by taking), failure to appear (o/c DUI); Bedwell, SO
Format: Name of person charged, age, address, city, charges; Arresting Officer, Arresting Agency
SO = Decatur County Sheriff’s Office
BPS = Bainbridge Public Safety
GSP = Georgia State Patrol
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