The Bainbridge Chapter of the Citizens of Georgia Power will be hosting the inaugural “CGP Classic” Golf Tournament on Friday May 15th, 2015. 100% of proceeds raised from the tournament will be donated to the Bainbridge YMCA and Decatur County Humane Society.
At this time, we would like to ask you to support this wonderful cause by participating in the 2015 “CGP Classic”. We promise fun, fellowship, food, and a spirited game of competitive golf at the Bainbridge Country Club.
Friday, May 15th, 2015
Registration @ 12 P.M.
Tee Time @ 1 P.M.
Bainbridge Country Club
312 Country Club Road
Bainbridge, GA 39819
Entry fee is $50/player – Four person team $200
- Team Sponsorship includes golf for 4, company logo hole sign, 2 mulligans/person–$300
- Hole Sponsorship – $100
Each player will receive 18 holes of golf, cart, lunch, and soft drinks
Registration Form
1st Annual CGP Classic
May, 15th, 2015
Sponsored by the Citizens of Georgia Power, Bainbridge Chapter
Fees & Sponsorship
Entry Fee (Per Player) $50.00
Team Sponsorship – includes 4 players, 2 mulligans/player,& tee sponsorship $300.00
Tee Sponsorship – include business card or name for sign $100.00
Hosted by:
Citizens of GA Power, a 501(c) (3) whose mission statement is “Through personal touch and a caring attitude, we support our employees, their families, and our communities in time of need such that we are A Citizen Wherever We Serve”
Name:________________________________Phone #____________________________
Email address:____________________________________________________________
Company Name___________________________________________________________
Player 1_____________ | Email_________________ | Handicap_______________ |
Player 2_____________Player 3_____________
Player 4_____________ |
Email_________________ |
Handicap_______________ |
Make Checks Payable to: Citizens of Georgia Power
Golf Fee $____________
Donation $____________
Green Sponsorship $____________
Total Enclosed $____________
Mail to: Vanessa Stewart – 229-248-4402
Bin 74120
Georgia Power
308 Airport Road
Bainbridge, GA 39817
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