Charlie McCann, Director
Tonya Griffin, Deputy Director
RELEASE #1: Friday, January 11, 2019 3:30 p.m.
Decatur County and the cities of Attapulgus, Bainbridge, Brinson and Climax were notified yesterday that the last day for debris pickup by the Corps of Engineers in Decatur County is Friday, January 18th. No debris will be picked up by the Corps of Engineers contractor after this date.
Citizens are urged to NOT put any more debris within the right of way. Citizens can burn storm debris but MUST obtain a burn permit before burning.
For more information regarding burning, go to: http://www.gfc.state.ga.us/Resources/publications/DebrisBurning.pdf
REMEMBER: If you burn WITHOUT A PERMIT, and the fire gets out of hand and fire response is needed, you will be fined for fire suppression services and may be responsible for damages caused by the fire. GET a PERMIT…IT’S FREE.
Construction debris pickup is ongoing until we are further advised.
We understand that there is still a lot of debris remaining from Hurricane Michael; however, we ask for your patience while we formulate alternative plans to handle what is left.
So I trees piled put by the road before this end date was set and they still have not been picked up. The trees were piled by the road in late December. After contacting the office about it possibly becoming an highway obstruction a crew came and pushed it a little further off the roadway.