Bainbridge Public Safety Chief Investigator Larry Funderburke and Deputy Director Frank Green took part in the FBI National Academy Associates – Georgia Chapter – Summer Training Conference held at Callaway Gardens from June 10 – 13.
Green and Funderburke are both graduates of the FBI National Academy, a professional course of study for United States and International Law Enforcement Managers. They are also members of the FBI National Academy Associates, Inc., a dynamic organization of more than 16,000 law enforcement professionals who actively work to continue developing higher levels of competency, cooperation, and integrity across the laws enforcement community.
Green stated that he and Funderburke, “Gained valuable information from conference instructors Jack Ryan, Lou Dekmar, and Daniel Canete.”
Jack Ryan is an attorney in Rhode Island who has 20 years of experience as a police officer with the Providence Rhode Island Police Department. His experience as a lawyer and police officer gives him the unique perspective of legal and liability issues in law enforcement. He spoke about issues such as demonstrations and mass protests, as well as several recent Supreme Court cases.
Lou Dekmar currently serves as the LaGrange Georgia Police Chief, and is also the highly respected 2018 President of the International Association of Chiefs of Police, the world’s largest law enforcement leadership organization. He provided information to the attendees regarding law enforcement leadership.
Daniel Canete is a Senior Corporal with Dallas Texas SWAT Team, and was involved in the standoff with a gunman who went on a rampage and ultimately shot and killed five police officers in Dallas in July of 2016. He spoke about the situation at El Centro College, and how he was one of three members of the SWAT team first to arrive on scene. He shared with the conference attendees how it was a much more difficult situation than what was portrayed on the news as they pursued the active shooter through hallways, stairways, and into various rooms of the college, ultimately bringing him down.
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