The following arrests and citations were reported by the Decatur County Jail and Bainbridge Public Safety. The addresses listed below are given to us directly by the Decatur County Jail and Bainbridge Public Safety:
- Jeremy Cecil Tomberlin, 36, Ruth Drive, Bainbridge, GA, Failure to Appear (Criminal) (misd); BPS, Bryant
- Micah Bernard Glenn, 27, Carter Street, Bainbridge, GA, Failure to Appear (Criminal) (misd); BPS, Jackson
- Stacey Dominique McCord, 22, Horrix Street, Thomasville, GA, Driving Without a Valid License (misd), Tinted Window Violation (misd); BPS, Miller
- Quarmeisha Nashae Loman, 26, Albany Road, Bainbridge, GA, Failure to Stop (Fleeing or Eluding) (misd), Failure to Maintain Lane (misd); BPS, McCain
BPS = Bainbridge Public Safety
GSP = Georgia State Patrol
SO = Decatur County Sheriff’s Office
DNR = Department of Natural Resources
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