A distracted driver rear ended a school bus on Faceville Highway Tuesday afternoon.
The accident occurred at about 4:45 p.m. in front of the Georgia Industries for the Blind. According to Bainbridge Public Safety, the driver of the vehicle had to be extricated and life flight was called to the scene.
The bus was not loaded at the time of the wreck, but because of the severity of the accident, Faceville Highway was closed for more than an hour as emergency units cleared the scene.
A 9:30 p.m. update from Julie Harris, the Public Information Officer for the City of Bainbridge, indicated that the driver was not seriously injured, save for bruising and a minor head injury.
According to reports, the bus was stopped with lights flashing and the stop sign deployed. The driver admitted to Bainbridge Public Safety Officers to being on her phone at the time of the accident.
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