A broken windshield led to the arrest of a wanted felon from Tennessee over the weekend.
According to the Bainbridge Public Safety Incident Report, on Sunday, September 24, BPS Sergeant Toby Miller was patrolling on Tallahassee Highway when he observed a broken windshield on a car with Alabama plates. Sgt Miller initiated a traffic stop and made contact with the driver, identified as Jeremy Chad Anderson. Anderson stated that he was lost and looking for US Highway 84 West. Sgt. Miller gave him directions and asked to see his license and insurance. Anderson stated that he did not have his license on him, but provided Sgt. Miller with his name and date of birth.
Sgt. Miller ran the provided information through Decatur-Grady E911 and learned that Anderson was wanted out of Bledsoe County, Tennessee for an outstanding felony arrest warrant. Upon confirming that the warrant was valid and that the Tennessee agency would extradite, Sgt. Miller called for backup. Once BPS Officer Jamie Marshburn arrived on scene, Sgt. Miller commanded Anderson to exit the vehicle and placed him under arrest.
During the search of the vehicle, Sgt. Miller located a clear plastic baggy containing a crystal substance which field tested positive for methamphetamine. Jeremy Chad Anderson was booked and charged with Possession of Methamphetamine and was issued citations for driving without a license on person and windshield requirements. He was transported to the Decatur County Jail to await extradition to Tennessee.
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