The following arrests and citations were reported by the Decatur County Jail and Bainbridge Public Safety. The addresses listed below are given to us directly by the Decatur County Jail and Bainbridge Public Safety:
- John Marcus Ward, 35, Willis Street, Bainbridge, GA, Windshields and Windshield Wipers Requirement (misd), Driving While License Suspended or Revoked (misd), Operating a Vehicle While Registration is Suspended, Cancelled, or Revoked (misd), No insurance 1st (misd), Obedience to Traffic Control Devices Required (misd), Reckless Driving, Fleeing, Attempting to Elude Arrest (misd); BPS, Prindle
- Javarrio Burke, 23, E. Water Street, Bainbridge, GA, Criminal Trespass (misd); BPS, Shaw
- Natazia D. Thomas, 19. Meridian Drive, Bainbridge, GA, Affray (misd); BPS, Akins
- Dominic Hallmon, 26, Lori Lane, Camilla, GA, Theft by Shoplifting (misd), Obstructing or Hindering LE Officers (misd); BPS, Shaw
- Alize Derianna Jackson, 20, 11th Street SW, Cairo, GA, Driving While License Suspended or Revoked (misd); BPS, Hughes
- Willie James Crockett, 42, Hall Street, Bainbridge, GA, Driving Without a Valid License (misd), Failure to Obey Stop/Yield Sign (misd); BPS, Shaw
- David T. Jackson, 46, Sharpe Street, Bainbridge, GA, Failure to Appear (Criminal) (misd); BPS, Hurst
- Warren Dee Miller, 44, W. Alice Street, Bainbridge, GA, Criminal Trespass (misd); BPS, Shaw
- Byianca Jamara Stroman, 26, Colquitt Highway, Bainbridge, GA, Driving While License Suspended or Revoked (misd), Failure to Obey Stop/Yield Sign (misd); BPS, Hughes
- Frederick Tyrone Faulk, 39, Japonica Drive, Bainbridge, GA, Possession of Marijuana; BPS, Akins
- Javin Deshawn Knight, 29, Cemetery Street, Bainbridge, GA, Probation Violation O/C Possession of Cocaine, Possession of Marijuana, Tampering With Evidence; DCSO, Musgrove
- Lisa Erin Mills, 40, River Oaks Drive, Bainbridge, GA, Possession of Methamphetamine; DCSO, Wooten
- Christopher Bryan Shifflett, 39, Pebbles Still Road, Cairo, GA, Aggravated Stalking; DCSO, Hanks
- Ray Primas Vickers, 37, Tallahassee, FL, Driving While License Suspended or Revoked (misd), DUI – Driving While Under the Influence of Alcohol, Failure to Maintain Lane; GSP, Heard
- Elijah Charles Edward, 26, Vada Road, Bainbridge, GA, Illegal Possession of Controlled Substance (Felony), Obstruction of an Officer (misd), Open Container, Possession of Marijuana (misd); BPS, Myers
- Dreon Markaele Neal, 25, Beaver Circle, Brinson, GA, Aggravated Assault, Parole Violation; DCSO, Broadnax
BPS = Bainbridge Public Safety
GSP = Georgia State Patrol
SO = Decatur County Sheriff’s Office
DNR = Department of Natural Resources
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