Deadline to register to vote in General Election is Tuesday, Oct. 11
Tuesday, Oct. 11, is the deadline to register to vote or make changes to your voter registration record in time for the General Election on Nov. 8.
The General Election, which of course includes the presidential election, also includes various other contests such as U.S. Senate, U.S. House of Representatives, various contested local elections and four proposed state constitutional amendments.
To check on information concerning your registration, you can go to Georgia Secretary of State’s My Voter Page, which if you are registered to vote allows you to view a sample ballot, change your information such as your residence if you have moved, or to request an absentee mail-in ballot. The web address is https://www.mvp.sos.ga.gov/MVP/mvp.do.
If you are not registered, you can come by the Elections Office located at 122 W. Water St. and fill out a registration form. Even though Monday, Oct. 10, is a state holiday, the Board of Elections office will be open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
You may also register to vote online through My Voter Page or through the Secretary of State’s webpage.
Sample ballots with detailed information on the constitution amendments are available at the Board of Elections and Registration office located at 122 W. Water St., or you can visit the Decatur County Board of Elections facebook page and its webpage, which can be found by going to the Decatur County Board of Commissioners and going to the Elections Office page.
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