On Friday, September 5, Bainbridge Public Safety Officer Ronald McMillan chased and arrested a man after spotting him driving a scooter (that turned out to be stolen) without a helmet.
According to the incident report, Officer McMillan was patrolling near Sims Street when he spotted a man, identified as David Louis, riding a scooter without a helmet. When Louis spotted McMillan, he immediately dismounted from the two-wheeled machine and began pushing it down the street. McMillan made several attempts to “pull over” the suspected offender, but Louis ignored the commands and eventually ditched the scooter and took off on foot. From the report: “McMillan continued to chase Lewis across the alley between Broughton Street and Water Street continuing between houses and running across Broughton Street”.
When Louis reached the back door of the residence at 1124 E Broughton Street, he ran inside with McMillan in hot pursuit. Inside the house, Louis ran into a front bedroom and slammed the door. The report states that McMillan then drew his service weapon and made entry into the room: “McMillan shined his flashlight into the room and observed Lewis laying on the floor of the far side of the room behind a bed. McMillan began giving Lewis commands for Lewis to show McMillan his hands but Lewis refused to and stood up and began walking toward McMillan while McMillan was continuing to give commands for Lewis to get on the ground. Lewis finally complied and laid down on the floor.” (BPS Report)
After placing the suspect under arrest, Officer McMillan searched Louis and found an “off white rock style substance, and a black handled pocket knife”.
After the arrest, Captain Terry Pait ran the VIN from the scooter and determined it was reported as a stolen vehicle out of the Tallahassee.
David Louis was charged with obstructing or hindering law enforcement officers (misd), no helmet (misd), and theft by receiving stolen property (felony).
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