The following arrests and citations were reported by the Decatur County Jail. The addresses listed below are given to us directly by the Decatur County Jail:
- Nathaniel Nathan Thomas, 51, Poss, Manu, Dist, Etc Vgcs; Richardson, BPS
- Floyd Dewayne McIntyre, 53, Possession of a controlled substance; Myers, BPS
- Garry Lee Vickers, 54, DUI (alcohol), Failure to maintain lane, open container; Snider, GSP
- Frederick Tyrone Faulk, 38, Poss, manu, dist, etc vgcs, possession of a controlled substance; Esquivel, BPS
- James Dewayne Frazier, 36, Sale of controlled substance; Esquivel, BPS
- Terrell Montez Johnson, 37, Poss, manu, dist, vgcs, use of comm facility in committing a felony (3 counts); Jordan, BPS
- Tommy Lee Lurry, 48, Use of comm facility in committing a felony, poss, manu, dist, etc vgcs; Barlow, BPS
- Robert Luther Freeman, 34, Illegal possession of a controlled substance, use of comm facility in committing a felony; Mixon, BPS
- Robert Lee Roberts, 48, Probation violation (o/c forgery in the first degree); Kelly, BPS
- Erica Diane Jackson, 33, Unlawful manu, delivery, etc of non controlled substances, use of comm facility in committing a felony; Richardson, BPS
- Terrience Kentele Hallmon, 31, Poss, manu, dist, etc VGCS; Jordan, BPS
- Latrell Williams, 34, Illegal possession of a controlled substance; Nix, BPS
- Brian Henry, 29, Parole violation (o/c poss of cocaine), armed robbery; intimidation, taking control of substance, unlawful poss of firearm or weapons by convicted felon; Williams, SO
- Nicholus Keri Gaines, 26, Failure to appear (2 counts); Richardson, BPS
- Lauren Lynn Heley, 51, Probation violation (o/c poss of cocaine), deposit account fraud; Hughes, SO
- Mona Marie Franklin, 34, Windshields and windshield wipers, seatbelt violation, driving without license on person, failure to appear (o/c shoplifting); Akins, BPS
- Ashley Nicole Williams, 29, Cruelty to children in the 3rd degree, aggravated assault, leaving the scene of an accident, reckless conduct; Strickland, BPS
- Aaron Michael Howard, 25, Simple battery; Crowder, SO
- Vincent Nathan Burns, 24, Illegal possession of a controlled substance (2 counts); McMillan, BPS
- Denika Marella Johnson, 29, Probation violation; McCoy, SO
- Carlos Delvon Hughes, Jr., 21, Sale of controlled substance (marijuana); Strickland, BPS
- Gregory Ryan Lee, 22, Sale of controlled substance; Mixon, BPS
- Adam Lee Henry, 22, Parole violation (o/c burglary); Bryant, BPS
- Markeith Deshawn Osborne, 26, Parole violation (o/c possession of marijuana); Bedwell, SO
- Tabitha Lashakia Powell, 19, Illegal possession of a controlled substance; Mixon, BPS
- Brenda Lee Wimberly, 53, Use of comm facility in committing a felony (2 counts), poss, manu, dist, etc VGCS; Nix, BPS
- Markia Anthoria Howell, 21, Possession of a controlled substance; Myers, BPS
- Nigel Jermaine Ford, 19, Poss, manu, dist, etc, VGCS, possession of a controlled substance (fel); Esquivel, BPS
- Devan Javone Collins, 23, use of comm facility in committing a felony (2 counts), manu, delivery, dist, possession or sale of a controlled substance; Myers, BPS
- Glen Byron Cooper, 43, Use of comm facility in committing a felony, manu, delivery, dist, possession or sale of a controlled substance; Jordan, BPS
- Dekota Makez James, 26, Transactions in drug related objects near housing project, illegal possession of a controlled substance; Myers, BPS
- Edward Jackson, Jr., 61, Illegal possession of a controlled substance; Nix, BPS
- Ieshia Pope, 21, Failure to appear (o/c speeding); Walk In
- Travis John Barineau, 42, Required position and methods of turning at intersections, open container, speeding, driving while license suspended or revoked, DUI (alcohol); Palmer, GSP
- Brandon James Burton, 32, Failure to dim headlights, endangering a child by driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs, DUI – alcohol; Snider, GSP
- Allen Dewayne Nalls, 32, Open container, reckless conduct, failure to maintain lane, speeding, reckless driving, DUI 1st offense; Kirkus, GSP
- Crystal Deloris Murphy, 37, Failure to appear (o/c deposit of trash or garbage); Jackson, BPS
- Angela Mae Davis, 34, Poss, manu, dist, etc Marijuana with intent, poss, manu, dist, etc VGCS with intent, use of comm facility in committing an act of felony (2 counts); Strickland, BPS
- Jamario Washington, 20, Possession of controlled substance; Mixon, BPS
- Joshua Devante Davis, 21, Illegal possession of a controlled substance; Pait, BPS
- Mark Wayne McMillen, 49, Headlight requirements, driving without license; Lewis, SO
- Anthony Marquise Cooper, 18, Sale of marijuana; Jordan, BPS
- Avery Lester Hampton, Jr,. 27, Simple battery; Lewis, SO
SO = Decatur County Sheriff’s Office
BPS = Bainbridge Public Safety
GSP = Georgia State Patrol
VGCS = Violation of Georgia Controlled Substance Act
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