The current height of the Flint River at Bainbridge is 26.23 feet, as of 4:30 p.m. on December 29, 2015.
Video by Kevin Dowdy in northern Decatur County
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Below Pictures taken by Kevin Dowdy (2nd four, in northern Decatur County) and Julie Harris (1st four, at Bainbridge Boat Basin)
Video by Jeremy Miller
On the above video’s YouTube comment page, Key Cofty writes: “Jeremy – thanks for posting this video! Toward the end, you video’d a boat pulling another. Two of my neighbors and I were pulling another neighbor out and my husband was behind us on the red jet ski. We had to go in to get a neighbor’s prescription meds and some clothes for them. They were able to save a couple of things but this is almost a complete loss for them. We are all so sad about this and it will take a long time to recover. Thank-you again for taking this and posting it.”

Boat ramps this morning. Flooding the parking lot now.
Posted by Dana Jones Turner on Tuesday, December 29, 2015
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