The twenty-ninth annual Georgia Peanut Tour will be held September 15-17, 2015, and located out of Southwest Georgia at the Best Western Rose City Conference Center Inn, Thomasville, Georgia. The tour brings the latest information on peanuts while giving a first-hand view of industry infrastructure from production and handling to processing and utilization. Tour stops will be made in several peanut producing counties including Thomas, Grady, Decatur, Seminole and Early County.
Attendees can expect to see first-hand nearly every aspect of peanut production in the state. This year’s tour hosts many exciting stops including on-farm harvest demonstrations and clinics, peanut processing facilities, and several special highlights which include research at the University of Georgia Research & Education Center in Attapulgus, Lewis M. Carter Manufacturing, Fudge-Birdsong Peanuts Buying Point and Birdsong Peanuts Shelling Plant.
The tour kicks off this year with the Hot Topics Seminar on Sept. 15 at 3 p.m. at the Best Western Rose City Conference Center Inn, Thomasville, Georgia. The seminar topics include an update on the 2015 Georgia peanut crop, a Washington legislative update and consumer peanut information including peanut flour and oil as well as probiotics in peanut butter.
The Georgia Peanut Commission, University of Georgia-Tifton Campus and Griffin Campus, Southwest Research & Education Center, Attapulgus Research & Education Center, and the USDA Agricultural Research Service National Peanut Research Lab coordinate the tour.
Hotel accommodations can be made at the Best Western in Thomasville, Georgia, by calling 229-226-9998. Rooms are available at the rate of $101 for a single/double room and $115 for a suite. Once the Best Western is full, additional hotel accommodations can be made at the Holiday Inn Express & Suites by calling 229-226-4666. Be sure to ask for the Georgia Peanut Tour room block.
Visit georgiapeanuttour.com to register and view tour schedule. For more information, contact Hannah Jones at hannah@gapeanuts.com or call at 229-386-3470.
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