The following arrests and citations, occurring between September 1 and September 2, were reported by Bainbridge Public Safety and the Decatur County Jail. The addresses listed below are given to us directly by BPS and the Decatur County Jail.
- Martha Ophelia Samuel, 47, Bainbridge, no insurance; B. Palmer, GSP;
- Elizabeth Ann Dollar, 33, Bainbridge, failure to obey stop sign, no insurance, driving while license suspended/revoked; J. Glover, BPS;
- Kameron Keith Gardner, 40, Brinson, Ga., theft by shoplifting; B. Boyett, BPS;
- Glen Gerald Anderson, 32, 515 E. Columbia St., Bainbridge, bench warrant-original charge violation of oath by public officer, bench warrant-original chage sexual assault of an inmate or person in custody; SO;
- James Colt Lowery, 33, 147 Campbell Road, Colquitt, Ga., simple battery, aggravated battery; P. Trolinger, SO.
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