Ever dreamed of traveling, but unsure of where to begin? Let Bainbridge State College map out the journey for you. It is a journey filled with memories and education that will last a lifetime—leaving you with numerous benefits and perhaps the travel bug.
This past May Bainbridge State College students traveled to Scotland, where they stayed in the country’s capital, Edinburgh. For two weeks, students were able to participate in ghost and walking tours, along with visiting numerous castles and Scotland’s Parliament.
While visiting the various locations, students learned every major aspect of European history—and even some U.S. History.
According to David Nelson, BSC History Professor and International Education Coordinator, the students were learning something all the time.
“There was never a dull moment,” said Nelson. “This is a great way to get students out of their “bubble.” It was more than just teaching at the sites. We began to be submerged in Scottish culture.”
Students were drawn out of their “bubbles” when they were required to interview at least three local people.
The professor added, “There was a lot of interaction with the local people. Through these conversations, the students were able to make a connection with them.”
They even attended a traditional dance, known as Cèilidh dancing, which is the origin of early square dancing.
Cassandra Williams of Attapulgus, a BSC study abroad student, found studying abroad to be beneficial to her future.
“Studying abroad helps you experience things you normally wouldn’t experience,” she said. “Now that I’ve traveled abroad, I feel more comfortable talking with people.”
Williams even offered advice to other students wanting to study abroad with Bainbridge State College.
“Studying abroad is very easy going—especially in Scotland. I got used to traveling while I was there. As you begin to travel more and more, you learn the dos and don’ts. Always use the buddy system. While I was there I felt very safe. I didn’t meet a mean person,” she said.
She said her only wish was to have stayed longer.
Students such as Williams returned home from Scotland with cultural knowledge, travel experience—and maybe even a little bit of a Scottish accent.
Bainbridge State College promotes opportunities for students to have a global experience while taking courses.
The next opportunity for seeing the world with Bainbridge State will be a study abroad experience to France & Italy, May 9-22, 2016. All interested students who wish to apply for the Marsicano Scholarship should have forms turned into Dr. Jenny Harper by July 23. Study abroad applications with deposits must be turned in by August 3. And Nelson will be returning to Scotland again with students in May 2016.
For more information on Study Abroad May 2016: France & Italy, contact Dr. Jenny Harper at jharper@bainbridge.edu; and for additional details on studying in Scotland, contact Dr. David Nelson at david.nelson@bainbridge.edu.
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