Feed My School helps bridge the gaps in the nutritional value and quality of food served in Georgia schools, while providing more farm to cafeteria opportunities.
The result is healthier students, decreased barriers in farm to cafeteria opportunities and increased awareness as students learn and experience, both educationally and nutritionally, where their food comes from.
Students can also learn more about how food is grown by local people at the Bainbridge Farmer’s Market, held in downtown Bainbridge every Saturday morning from 9 a.m. to noon!
The program’s ground work serves as a major learning tool to better equip the distribution chain to provide local foods throughout Georgia. Topics including food safety, freezing, cold storage, pricing, packaging, distribution and others will continue to be addressed with participating school districts around the state as Georgia’s farm to school program continues to grow and expand.
Mission of “Feed My School:” The Feed My School initiative increases the nutritional value and quality of food in Georgia schools and bridges the communication gaps from the farm to the cafeteria, resulting in healthier Georgia children. As the mission continues to expand and reach every school across the state, there will be decreased barriers in the farm to school efforts and increased awareness as students learn and experience, both educationally and nutritionally, where their food comes from.
19 schools across Georgia are currently participating in the “Feed My School” program:
- Blakeney Elementary, Burke County Schools
- South Jackson Elementary, Jackson County Schools
- Waldo Pafford Elementary, Liberty County Schools
- Furlow Charter School, Sumter County Schools
- Downtown Elementary Magnet Academy, Muscogee County Schools
- Monroe Elementary School, Walton County Schools
- Madison County- Colbert Elementary
- Chatham County – West Chatham Elementary
- Grady County—Southside Elementary School
- Bibb County— Skyview Elementary School
- Forsyth County—Sharon Elementary
- Colquitt County: Norman Park Elementary
- Hall County: Wauka Mountain Elementary
- Bleckley County: Bleckley County Elementary
Apply for the Feed My School for a week program
Why is “Feed My School” important?
Click for a list of educational goals associated with the program
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