The Bainbridge High School Class of 2015 will hold their graduation ceremony on Thursday, May 21. Doors to the gymnasium will be opened at 6 p.m. The ceremony will begin at 8 p.m.
Other Important Dates:
Baccalaureate Service – Sunday, May 17, 7 p.m. – BHS Gym
Honors Day – Monday, May 18, 8:30 a.m. – BHS Gym
Honors Night – Monday, May 18, 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Information provided by Bainbridge High School
The Bainbridge High School graduation is a big event in our community and every year on graduation night, we have thousands of visitors on the campus of Bainbridge High School to witness the milestone these graduates have achieved. Below is some information that we feel will help make this event an enjoyable experience for everyone:
Gates will be opened at 5:45 P.M to allow visitors to start arriving, doors to the event site will open at 6:00 P.M, Everyone MUST have a ticket to enter. No one will be allowed to line up at the gates prior to 5:45 p.m. because of concern(s) that traffic would back up onto U.S. Highway 84 and become a traffic hazard.
Parking and seating in the arena are on a first come basis — there is no reserved parking or seating available.
Guests that need to park in Handicap parking must have valid Handicap credentials displayed on their vehicle; please keep in mind that Handicap parking spaces are limited.
There will be signs on the highway listing instructions for entering the campus.
- Visitors coming from the city of Bainbridge will enter the entrance marked “A” on the map (West Entrance),
- Visitors coming from the east (Climax) will enter the entrance marked “B” on the map ( Main or East entrance),
- After the front parking lot is full then all traffic will enter the entrance marked “A” on the map (West Entrance).
Once the graduates start to march in for the ceremony, no one else will be allowed into the gymnasium. Late arrivals and guests without a ticket will be directed to the cafeteria where the ceremony can be viewed via live feed on large screen TVs.
The numbers on the map indicate parking areas:
Lot number 1 is the main parking area for guests and is also the area designated for handicap parking.
Lot number 2 will be for the guest that enter the campus from the East until this lot fills then all traffic must enter the gate on the west side of the campus.
Lot number 3 is for graduate parking and guests once lots 1 and 2 are filled.
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