Two middle school students from Bainbridge, Michael Conder and Piper Loeffler, were recognized as the local winners of the ‘If I Were Mayor…’ essay contest.
In the essay contest, organized by the Georgia Municipal Association and local city councils, students are asked to write about how they would run local government if given the chance to serve as mayor. Bainbridge Mayor Edward Reynolds visited local sixth-grade classrooms before the start of the essay contest, to explain a little about how local government works.
Loeffler said she would like to see more festivals and concerts be held in Bainbridge, to attract more tourism to the local economy.
Conder, whose essay was chosen as the local first-place winner, chose a unique format for writing his essay by detailing what his daily schedule would be like if he were mayor. For example, “Mayor Conder” met with the police chief, the public works director, as well as local citizens who had concerns.
“Several of the essays we received this year were very creative,” said City Councilwoman Roslyn Palmer, who helps judge the essay contest. “The students who took the time to write had a lot to offer. You can tell the contest made them think about how their town or city is run on a day-to-day basis. We appreciate the continued partnership of our local schools.”
Below is the video of Conder reading his winning essay.

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