The following arrests and citations, occurring between April 18 and April 20, were reported by Bainbridge Public Safety and the Decatur County Jail:
- Frederick J. Tomlin, 27, 1004 Water St., Bainbridge, no driver’s license, failure to affix revalidation decal, brake lights and turn signals required; T. Pait, BPS;
- Jordan Macy Dickens, 20, 211 Ridgefield Drive, Bainbridge, simple battery (Family Violence Act); P. Bryant, BPS;
- Nicholas Jamiah Smith, 21, 1600 Bethel Road, Bainbridge, giving false name, address or birthdate to law enforcement officer, obstruction of law enforcement officer (misdemeanor); J. Kelly, BPS.
Format: Name of person charged, age, address, city, charges; Arresting Officer, Arresting Agency
SO = Decatur County Sheriff’s Office
BPS = Bainbridge Public Safety
GSP = Georgia State Patrol
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